Report housing fraud
* Required Fields
Is the person you are reporting:
Is the person you are reporting:
Renting their Council home without permission?
Moved out and renting their Council home to someone else (sub-letting)
Unauthorised occupation after the death of the tenant
Permanently living somewhere else
Leaving the property empty without notifying us
Been offered their Council home by providing false information?
Failed to declare something that may affect their tenancy
Other (please state)
If other please state
Complete as much of the following as you can:
Address of the property you want to report
Address of the property you want to report
Postcode of the property you want to report (if known)
Tenants first name
Tenants surname
Name/s of other person/s suspected to be living at the address (if known/applicable)
Please provide details of the suspected fraud detailing as much information as possible:
Start date of suspected fraud (if known)
It may help us investigate this issue if you provide your details. Your name will not be disclosed unless you give us permission.
Contact email or phone number
If you would like to submit any supporting documents or photos please use the upload link below
Choose file to upload (Maximum file size allowed 50 MB)